Below are some issues to consider when submitting your diagrams to The Origami Collection:

  • Please use non-proprietary formats like PDF or JPG. We might not be able to open such files as Illustrator’s proprietary AI format, so be sure to export your file before sending it to us.
  • We will add a header to the first page of your diagrams. Please leave an additional 1 inch (about 2.5 cm) of space on the first page of your file to accommodate for this header.
  • Do not use "hairlines" or "zero point" lines in your documents. The smallest line size you use should be 3/4 point lines. Thinner lines might not print properly and will likely be invisible.
  • If possible, when generating your PDF, be sure to choose "PDF/X", "PDF/A" or "Press Quality" for your output settings. This will maximize the quality and compatibility of your generated PDF, and it will automatically embed your fonts. If you do not embed your fonts, we will likely have to substitute them, yielding unpredictable results.
  • The background of your page needs to be white; we will be cropping your diagrams onto our white pages, so any background color will look strange.
  • You can send us diagrams in full color or grayscale (black and white). Our book will be printed in grayscale so be sure your colors translate well to this format.

Last, and most importantly, when you are ready to submit your diagrams, please use our online submission form and fill out the permissions section completely. (You’ll need to create a free OrigamiUSA account first.)