If you are driving to St. John's University, enter through Gate 6 (G6), located at 170th Street and Goethals Avenue. As you enter, make the first left turn and drive through the parking area to the parking garage.

Specific address and GPS information:

St. John's University
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439
GPS: 40.721378, -73.790375

More detailed driving instructions can be found on the St. John's website.

Parking at St. John’s University is free for both day visitors and those staying in the dorm.

For day visitors, no pass is required. Just enter through Gate 6 (G6) at Goethals and 170th Street; make the first left turn and proceed straight ahead to the main parking garage.

If you are staying in the dorms, you will get an overnight parking pass to place on the dashboard of your car. Detailed information on the procedure can be found on the accommodations page. On subsequent entries, you will use Gate 6, the same as the day visitors.

See the annotated campus maps for the gate, garage, dorm and registration locations.