Origami class schedules for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are set up as classes are entered during the registration period. Here's the class-related schedule:

  • April 30: Convention registration begins
  • April 30–June 1: Registration to teach; class previews posted
  • May 28: Broadcast classes posted
  • June 1 AM: Registration to teach closed
  • June 1 PM: Preliminary schedule posted
  • June 4 AM: Final schedule posted; request classes opens
  • June 4–June 11: Request classes
  • June 11: Request classes closed; processing class assignments starts
  • June 11–June 15: Processing class assignments
  • June 15: Class assignments are posted
  • June 22: Convention begins

More information and links to schedules are below.

Class Previews

The links below show the classes that people have volunteered to teach, provided here—with pictures—to give you a glimpse of what is planned (and, perhaps, to inspire you to register to teach a few classes yourself!). Please note that these are not fixed; people's plans change, and the order on the listing is merely reverse order of submission. The final schedule—with pictures—will be available per the schedule above. You can also suggest a class.

Previews take on an added importance as an aid to planning your online registration for classes. Even though the class times are not available until the schedules are posted, you can monitor these previews to begin selecting the classes you want to request during the ”request classes” period (see Taking Classes for more information.

Preliminary Schedule

Here is a preliminary class schedule. It may change between now and the time we issue the final schedule.

  • The final class schedule has been posted.

Final Class Schedules (Online)

Here are the final online class schedules. Each entry has a picture of the model being taught—uploaded from the class previews—along with other class-related information: description, special requirements, advisories, etc.

Even if you don’t plan to (or are unable to) register for classes online, you can use this as a virtual model menu to help you plan your class choices in advance. You might even want to set up your ticketing forms before coming to convention. You can use this downloadable copy of the form. At convention, you'll be able to avoid the crowds at the physical Model Menu as well by accessing this schedule on your laptop, tablet or phone.

Final Class Schedules, Advisories and Bibliography (PDFs)

Here are the final class schedules, advisories and bibliography in downloadable pdf format. Each attendee will also have the pdf versions of the schedules and advisories in his or her registration packet on site. Note: The bibliography is not included in the packets but copies will be available at the Information Desk.