Welcome to your first Pacific Coast OrigamiUSA Conference. This page will give you some information about what to expect. Please email TBD if you have any questions.

Getting Ready

You will have a yellow First Timer ribbon attached to your name tag. This lets other convention goers, especially Convention Pros, (with blue ribbons on their name tags), know to be quick to answer questions and help you through the process.

Paper will be supplied, so just bring your folding tools (i.e. scissors, tweezers, ruler, glue) or other items (i.e. notebook, pen). Some shoe boxes will be available to hold keep your treasures safe over the weekend. If you live locally, please try to bring your own box.

At the Convention

You will not be able to select your classes until the morning you are attending. The class schedule will be posted on line on Tuesday, October 31. Since this is a complete schedule -- with pictures of the models being taught, you can actually start planning your class selections before the convention begins. You will also get a daily schedule of classes and ticketing forms with your registration materials at the convention site..

It is important to be in the Hospitality Area before 9:30 am on Friday and 9:00 am on Saturday and Sunday when ticketing begins. In the Hospitality Area, there will be a display of all the models being taught Saturday and Sunday. They are laid out by class time and difficulty. This display is called the Model Menu.

The Model Menu will be available on Friday afternoon so if you are going to the Friday Reception or picking up your registration materials on Friday afternoon or evening, that would be a good time to look at your options and plan your day. If you cannot do it on Friday night, leave plenty of time before ticketing to plan your day and allow for contingencies.

Also in your packet will be a form where you will list the classes you would like to take. You will fill in your first and second choices for each class hour.

Let the ticketing begin! At the appointed hour, we will start a line in the foyer based on your Ticketing Priority Number. It is on the back of your name tag and is different for each day. This process is similar to having a ticket in the deli line or flying on Southwest. You line up by numbers and proceed to the ticketing area. Bring your Ticketing Form with you filled out with what you would like to take on the current day (e.g. on Saturday, only bring the form for Saturday).

Once you get your class assignments, keep them safe. You will need to show them in each class. Seating is limited not only by the size of the room but also by the ability of the teacher to effectively assure that all students are able to see and carry out instructions. See the Ticketing page for more complete information on the ticketing process.

In the Classrooms

The classes are not overly structured, but quiet attention and politeness are requested. Please be on time for classes, and please do not try to attend a class for which you do not have a ticket, as you may be asked to leave.

It's a good idea to let the person sitting next to you know you might have questions or need help. Teachers have a variety of styles and may present instructions differently from what you're used to. The convention community is good at helping make this a positive and successful experience.

Our students range in age from 9 to 95! It's a pleasure to see people of all ages appreciating each other. If you wish to accompany your child to a class, you must be signed up for classes yourself. If the child is old enough to be permitted to attend by himself or herself, you are welcome to wait outside the room. If you're not going to be there when the class is over, please make arrangements with another responsible adult to meet the child after class. And, please, take your child out of the room if he or she is having difficulty being quiet


The Information Desk in the Hospitality Area is staffed at all times. If you need help or have a question, ask anyone (everyone will be very friendly), but especially look for red ribbons (Board Members and Convention Committee), or blue ribbons (Convention Pros).

Remember that all teachers are volunteers. Please help them whenever you can. Here is a guide to classroom etiquette.

You might want to also read through the Frequently Asked Questions. Check the General Schedule for the hours of the Exhibition, Silent Auction and The Origami Paper Shop, our fantastic paper vendor for the convention.