Edited by Jane Rosemarin
Mandala Kalima, folded by the designer. See PDF diagrams.

I’m a math teacher, but not in a formal school. I have a club where children can play, learn and study after class. I named it Klub Bintang (Star Club). I give the children origami activities after they finish their work. Sometimes I use origami as a teaching aid. My students love origami very much, so I’ve learned a lot of simple models and modular designs that I can teach them. We are on Instagram, too.

About Mandala Kalima: Kalima, in the Sundanese (one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia) language, means the fifth. Yes, it is my fifth design. I started designing last year, when the coronavirus pandemic entered Indonesia. Staying at home during a pandemic made me productive.

For Mandala Kalima, double-sided kami paper, 5-7.5 cm square, is recommended.

Editor’s Note: Wuri can be found on Instagram and on YouTube.

The Mandala Kalima, folded by Lotus Stack.