Edited by Jane Rosemarin
Variations on a star bowl. Designed and folded by Jannie van Schuylenburg. See PDF diagrams.

Do you have this problem, too? ... You want to fold a model from a pentagon, but it turns out that the beautiful pattern in the center of the paper is not in the middle once you cut the pentagon. That is such a pity. I have come across several possibilities on the internet for folding a pentagon. One more accurate than the other. Of the various possibilities, I have now arranged one that is easy to remember, is very accurate, and has its center in the middle of the pattern. And with this folding technique, you do not have to draw a pencil line to cut along. You can cut directly along a fold line. Go give it a try!

Editor’s note: The instructions for cutting the pentagon are included in the Star Bowl diagrams and are available as a separate PDF below.

The pentagonal bowls are also very nice to fold. The Star-Flower Bowl Heidi, the Star Bowl Kathi and the Star Bowl Sonja are named after three origami friends in Switzerland. The nice thing about these easy models is that, especially with the flower bowl, you don’t see extra folds. They are stable and, if tipped, always rest on their bottom. Fifteen by 15 cm paper is fine to use, and with 20 by 20 cm paper, an electric tea light fits perfectly. Or put something tasty into it as a present.

Enjoy folding, and warm origami greetings from Jannie van Schuylenburg. The Netherlands.